Core Curriculum

Maverick’s Charter High Schools’ educational program includes some of the finest national curriculum providers. All curricula are aligned to Florida State Standards and meet District requirements. These curricula are designed to capture an extensive array of student activity and progress. Teachers and administrators are always well informed of every student’s strengths, weaknesses, and standing. Mavericks in Education provides students, parents, and guardians with real time information concerning graduation status. For students seeking greater academic challenges and college preparation, Mavericks can offer students AP classes.

  • Data Driven Admissions – Placement
  • Learning Levels
  • Online Reading & Math Assessment

Unique Learning Levels- Blended Approach

  • Web-Based Computer Online Learning
  • Direct Instruction- Teachers
  • One-on-One individualized Tutoring
  • Special Education – ESOL
  • Intensive Reading/Math

Flexible Schedule for Students

At Mavericks High School, we’ve designed our school schedule around the needs and lifestyles of our students. We recognize that many students have lifestyle needs such as family and work responsibilities as well as times when they may learn best.

The choice of up to three, five-hour classroom sessions, (morning, midday, or evening) gives students the greatest flexibility, most efficient and productive use of their time. (Some schools have only three sessions – please inquire). Students work on core curriculum and graduation requirements, including career preparation & placement. There are no distractions and no waste of time.

Florida Graduation Requirements

Students attending Mavericks Charter High Schools begin with a clear objective of earning a state-recognized diploma. As a holder of a Florida high school diploma, graduates will be able to compete with other public and private high school graduates for jobs and acceptance into colleges, universities and the military. High school graduation is the acknowledgment and the reward for meeting the benchmarks established that define a level of competency in all required high school subject areas. A high school diploma confirms an important and recognized milestone of academic achievement, a great source of individual pride and the ticket to a future.