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Our School

Mavericks High place a high degree of importance upon core curriculum toward the achievement of competency in the fundamental subjects that are necessary for gainful employment and/or continuing education. High school graduation is the acknowledgment and the reward for meeting the benchmarks established that define a level of competency in all required high school subject areas. A high school diploma confirms an important and recognized milestone of academic achievement.

At Mavericks High, we recognize that the students we serve require a high school education, job preparedness, prospects for continuing education and a state-recognized high school diploma. Our student’s benefit from a school designed to be simple, inviting, and reflective of their lifestyle, a place where they all fit in and are welcome. It’s a great out-of-the-box experience.

Our Florida Mavericks High Schools initiative will provide a minimum of 900 instructional hours during the traditional school year of 180 days, which includes, Career Preparation, Placement, Volunteer, Internships, Job Shadowing and Work Study. Additional school hours may include Instruction, Remediation, Test Prep, Career Preparation and Job Placement services all of which may be offered during the summer, providing a year-round educational program. Students may select the in-classroom instruction period that best suits their personal and lifestyle needs. The choice of three convenient sessions during the school year, (morning, midday, or evening) gives students the greatest flexibility, most efficient and productive use of their time.

Unlike a traditional high school, there is no set period of time for which a course needs to be completed. Students work at their own pace, allowing extra time for more challenging subjects while also giving them the freedom to move at an accelerated learning pace where they have greater command of the curriculum. Students earn course credit upon demonstration of mastery and required testing. Classrooms are set up with teachers and aides, who assist students at anytime they may require one-on-one help. This makes for a more individualized approach, focusing on the student’s needs and academic strengths while allowing them to regain confidence in their ability to succeed.

Mavericks will incorporate a strategy that combines data mining of historical performance along with predictive modeling of future performance providing specific insight as it relates to our unique at-risk student population. Predictive modeling includes analytics related to student retention as well as student achievement. Remediation tactics will entail both short term and long term initiatives such as teacher training, curriculum and new curriculums. Our outcomes-based model is defined as insightful, diversified instruction for individualized education.

Mavericks High educational program includes some of the finest national curriculum providers. All curriculums are aligned to Florida State Standards and meet District requirements. These curriculums are designed to capture an extensive array of student activity and progress. Teachers and administrators are always well informed of every student’s strengths, weaknesses, and standing. The Mavericks’ MMS provides students, parents, and guardians with real time information concerning graduation status.

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Environmental and Social Responsibility

Our Future Our Choice — Teach It, Live It

At Mavericks in Education, we believe passionately in the preservation of our environment as a GREEN company, we are continuously focusing on every aspect of our organization and our educational initiatives. This applies not only to components of our curriculum wherein ecology and recycling are taught, but also to our building design, materials, equipment, controls, and processes as well as many of the products consumed within our offices and our schools.

We carefully select our suppliers and partners considering their commitment to the GREEN movement, along with the quality and cost of their products and services. Companies such as Eco Systems Hygiene LLC, a GREEN paper and chemical supply company has been selected to provide our paper and cleaning products, computer suppliers including NComputing, HP, Dell and Apple are providing technology products and a wide range of companies that market lighting, climate control, and other GREEN building materials will be utilized in the construction of our facilities. Each school will also practice good environmental policy which will include a comprehensive recycling program.

Mavericks High is committed to do more with less. This goes hand in hand with our environmental initiatives - to use resources in an economical and careful way.

Four cornerstones of Mavericks High environmental initiatives:

Mavericks High recognizes the importance of controlling costs and managing every education dollar in a way in which students receive the greatest possible benefit. We always try to minimize costs. To keep costs low we have to be economical. We conserve paper and supplies materials and energy. Each piece of equipment is also carefully selected for its life-cycle cost and recyclables.

Resource Efficiency

Mavericks Mavericks High Schools recognizes the importance of controlling costs and managing every education dollar in a way in which students receive the greatest possible benefit. We always try to minimize costs. To keep costs low we have to be economical. We conserve paper and supplies materials and energy. Each piece of equipment is also carefully selected for its life-cycle cost and recyclability.

Training and Engaging Our Co-Workers and Students

Committed co-workers are crucial to get a driving force in our environmental effort. Throughout the Mavericks High Organization, we are establishing “environmental coordinators” who will be constantly working in different ways to increase environmental awareness through informing and educating their colleagues and students on a continuous basis.



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