Maverick High School of South Miami Dade County

Mavericks High of South Miami is a Tuition Free Public Charter High School located at 698 North Homestead Blvd. Homestead, FL 33030.

They can be reached by phone Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at (305) 909.6307.

Principal Dan Walke

The Principal of Mavericks High School of North Miami Dade, located in North Miami, Florida is Dan Walke. He can be contacted at (305) 909.6307

The Governance Board Members of New Alternative Education of Miam Dade County include:

Steven Bracey, Ira Paul, Laura Livergood, Charles Bethel, Deborah Schatz

Mavericks High is managed by Mavericks in Education Florida, LLC. The management company can be contacted at 301 Southern Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33405. School Organization Chart

Parent Association Chairperson for Mavericks High of South Miami is Mr. Troy Gilde. He can be contacted at or (305) 909-6307.

Concerns email:

Diploma Types

Mavericks High Schools offers traditional high school diplomas. Our Schools are all SACS Accredited. A list of Diploma Types offered can be found on this document. Mavericks High School Diploma Types

Student Handbook

Mavericks High School promotes personal integrity with an emphasis on the lifelong learning process. There are rules and standards required with our Student Handbook. Mavericks High School Student Handbook

Graduation Requirements

The Graduation Requirements for a standard diploma in Florida can be found in Florida Statute Sections 1003.4282 and Section 1002.3105. Mavericks High offers both the 24-credit and the 18-credit ACCEL option. More information can be found at the FLDOE Website.

Accounting | Finance

We maintain a copy of our most recent audited financials and approved budget online. Please find the most recent approved budget. Please find the most recent audited financials.

School Location

School Improvement Plan

A School Improvement Plan (“SIP”) is intended to be the primary artifact used by every school with stakeholders to review data, set goals, create an action plan and monitor progress. The School Improvement Plan can be viewed here.

Annual Measurable Objectives | School Grade

Mavericks High follows the FLDOE alternative grading system in which our school will achieve a rating as Maintaining, Improving, or Declining. Additional information can be found on the FLDOE Website. We post our Annual Measurable Objectives here.

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